Jaylene Hardeman


Hello! My name is Jaylene, and for over 5 years, I've served as the Registrar in our community. In my role, I've been dedicated to ensuring smooth operations and supporting various community initiatives.

Beyond my professional life, I am also the school secretary at Joan Austin Elementary School, where I enjoy contributing to the educational environment and supporting the students, teachers, and families.

Outside of work, I cherish spending time with my loved ones. I'm a proud parent to two boys who have been active in Newberg youth soccer, a passion that has brought our family closer together.
In my free time, I indulge in my hobbies of camping in the great outdoors, reading a good book, and unwinding with a Netflix series. These activities allow me to recharge and stay connected to what matters most in life.

I am committed to fostering a vibrant and supportive community where everyone can thrive. I look forward to continuing my journey of service and personal growth, both professionally and personally.