Player Fee
Per-player fees for the 2024-2025 season:
(A) $725.00 (2006-2010 High School) & (2015-2019)
(B) $362.50 Practice Player (2006-2010 High School ) & (2015-2019)
(C) $925.00 (2010 in Middle School) and (2011-2014)
(D) $462.50 Practice Player (2010 in Middle School) & (2011-2014)
This annual player fee covers the following:
- Year-round training, including practices and games. (see program page for more information)
- League registration fees
- Player registration fees
- Team equipment
- Field expenses
- Coach, Registrar, and Director of Coaching salary
- Uniforms are purchased separately.
- Optional pieces are also offered for an additional cost
Additional Costs Include:
- Individual teams can choose to play the optional summer tournament, winter indoor season, or winter academy for additional fee
Scholarships are available, or inquire about payment options.